2nd & 3rd Grade Jazz, Lyrical & Tap Combination Class
A traditional 1.25 hour dance class based on grade level. Classes may incorporate barre, across the floor, and center floor technique.
Enrollment Age: Ages 7-9
Program Duration: 9-months
Location of Class: Lonsdale & New Prague
Attire for Class: Fitted dance attire such as tights, leotard, tutu, leggings, fitted tank top. Color preference is pink and black, though not required.
Shoe Requirements: Refer to Parent Portal for requirements.
Class Fees: Registration fee: $35 registration fee for 1st child, $30 for each additional child in the family per season. Each dancer will receive a TTPDA apparel item.
Monthly tuition: 9-month tuition schedule. Please register online for further details.
Costume Fee: $90
Number of Costumes: Two
Number of Dances: Three
Recital: Participation strongly encouraged