Funky Fusion - Fall or Spring Sessions - 12-Week Combination Class
Geared toward 5-8-year-olds, this class is an introduction to jazz and tap, infused with creative movement and gross motor development activities. A perfect class for the beginner or first timer. Classes are held in 45-minute increments. Classes may include a group stretch, across the floor, center floor technique, and creative movement.
Enrollment Age: Ages 5-8
Program Duration: 12-weeks
Location of Class: Lonsdale & New Prague
Attire for Class: Fitted dance attire such as tights, leotard, tutu, leggings, fitted tank top. Color preference is pink and black, though not required.
Shoe Requirements: Refer to Parent Portal for requirements.
Class Fees: Registration fee: $35 registration fee for 1st child, $30 for each additional child in the family per season. Each dancer will receive a TTPDA apparel item.
Tuition: 12-week fee, fall and/or spring. Please register online for further details.
Costume: Spring Only
Costume Fee: $90
Number of Costumes: One
Number of Dances: Two
Recital: Strongly encouraged